Thursday, June 28, 2012

"I" Week

During "I" week, E(2) had fun tracing a sandpaper "i."  She matched a tiny igloo to the sandpaper letter.

We had fun reading the "I" story about "itchy insects" in our Amazing Action Alphabet book.   E had fun scratching her knees while saying "i, i, i."

We read an "i" book (that I bought from the thrift store for 25 cents).

E enjoyed a few iguana printables from 1+1+1=1.  She liked coloring the iguanas with her dot painters.

She also had fun painting the "I" with her dot painters.

She found an insect and kept putting him on top of the dot painter tops that she had stacked.  When she put him on the top, she said "King of the world!"

She liked cutting out the iguanas and gluing them to her "I."

She fed insects to the frog.

We looked at the "I" from our Alphabet Stomp Game and talked about the pictures.

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  1. Great "I"deas! okay, sorry, please forgive me for that. :) Love the ideas though. I also loved the "king of the mountain" comment. My son (2.5 today) apparently doesn't have the word "king" in his vocabulary yet. The other day he was playing with his 4 year old friend and, after climbing to the top of the climbing tower, the 4 year old says, "I'm the king of the world!" My son, who has to do everything the bigger kids do, climbed to the top and said, "I'm the quinoa of da world!" haha!

  2. I've spent far too much time on your site tonight looking through all your homeschool have so many great activities! I love the Little House stuff and your hands-on activities!
