Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Melon Baby

My mom made this adorable melon baby for the baby shower that we hosted a couple of weeks ago.  We were all SO happy with how it turned out.  The girls especially thought it was so "cutie!"  Today, when we saw the actual baby, they talked about putting him in a hollowed out watermelon, just like the cantalope baby :)

To make the melon baby, my sister and I hollowed out a watermelon to use as the cradle.  My mom peeled the cantalope and attached grape halves to the face with toothpicks.  She used a half ball of cantalope for his nose and hollowed out a hole for his pacifier.   She surrounded him with fruit to make a blanket.  SO cute!

My mom was inspired by a picture of a melon baby that she saw on facebook.  I have searched and searched but I cannot find a link back to the original source. On Pinterest, the only link I can find is back to Repinley, so here it is.


  1. you can find the melon baby on pinteest, and then link back to source. Ive seen it there:)

  2. I saw it on Pinterest, but when I tried to link back, it just went to the image and not to an original source...strange.
