Sunday, July 29, 2012

Cave Paintings

The girls and I studied cave people and cave paintings a few weeks ago, and we had a lot of fun!  We turned our treehouse into a cave!

We lined our treehouse with brown paper and decorated it with paintings using our spray painters, markers, and stencils.  We looked at pics of caves on the internet and since we saw handprints on cave walls, we made sure to make handprints, too!

After we finished our cave paintings, O and E built a pretend fire from twigs I gathered (I was the cave child, and they were the cave mamas).

O made a delicious twig and leaf stew.

Fun times in Lakeside Homeschool!


  1. What a great idea!!!! Love it!!!

  2. What fun! Do look out for Julia Donaldson's Cave baby - a great picture book with amazing cave art!
