Friday, July 27, 2012

So Proud of Our Sweet Girl!

O(6) received 3 dollars and a note that she could spend the money on candy (during our vacation) in one of her birthday balloons.  I was surprised and proud when she immediately handed one dollar to her sister and one dollar to her cousin and said "There's enough for us each to have one!"

I'm also proud that she chose to receive donations during her bday party instead of gifts (she still receives gifts from her family and plenty of them!).  Last year she received donations for our local children's home, and this year she decided that she would like to receive donations for our local animal shelter.  We'll deliver the items next week.  We are so proud of our kind and generous girl!


  1. I hope you are taking some credit for this beautiful act. I am continually impressed and inspired by the stories you post. Thanks for this little nugget. It is helpful to remember that we set the standard for what we expect our kiddos to do and since I KNOW I don't always live up to my own expectations it helps to have a reminder! Good mama = good girls. Thanks!

  2. Thanks, Amanda! I actually hadn't thought of it from that perspective at all :)
