Wednesday, October 17, 2012

One Perk of Homeschool...

is you can wear whatever you want!

E(3) is wearing a Cleopatra costume (from Walmart) and is pretending to be the Pharaoh Hatshepsut.  She has been either Hatshepsut, Pocahontas, Kaya, or Felicity for the past several months.  It is so much fun to  see her so caught up in her pretend play, and I have had fun playing the roles of "Tanak" or "Powhatan."

E and O(6) took turns wearing the Egyptian costume all day (since I was too cheap to buy 2 of them!).  They had fun working together to complete a community worker ABC puzzle.

One cold morning, the girls decided that it was time to get out their "ice skating" dresses.  They wore them all morning during school.

0(6) was working on her Writing with Ease lesson.  I have been surprised by how much she LOVES these lessons. She wasn't very happy in this picture, because I'd prompted her to answer the questions in complete sentences and this made her feel frustrated.  She got over it and answered in complete sentences the next day with no prompting and WITH JOY!

I frequently point out these fun benefits of homeschooling to O so that she will hopefully recognize that this is MUCH more fun than attending public school (she really wants to ride the bus to and from school...although, she hasn't mentioned riding the bus in a month or so, so maybe she is realizing that she has it made!).


  1. Ok, here's what you do.....find a community Ed opportunity to ride a bus to a play or a church group attending a rally taking a bus or such. I've been through the "school bus blues" with 4 of my kids and they've gotten over it as soon as they've ridden abus somewhere! It's like a fair ride to them!
    And then they're over it! Good the costumes-so cute!

  2. Can you tell me where you purchased the Community Helper puzzle? We're on a kick and it looks great! Thanks!!!

  3. Hello Melissa. Wondering where you purchased the community worker abc puzzle?

  4. Those complete sentence reminders frustrate my 1st grader too. We've made a sign for me to hold up to remind her and that seems to help a bit.

  5. Thanks for sharing the pics. Glad that O happily came around to using complete sentences. So funny - the little things that can upset kids sometimes! The girls are adorable. Renee

  6. Dear Melissa,
    I'm your friend from Argentina. Do children who homeschool have to sit for an exam at the end of the year? Who tests their achievements? i'm asking these questions because we don't have the opportunity to homeschool our children. Schools are either private or public but attending any of them is compulsory. My son Santiago is really bored at school and I'm getting worrried about it. I know the system is boring and all children are treated the same way, despite their abilities. I admire the way homeschooling moms in the States organise your routines to the many things.

    1. Anonymous, it depends on the State laws here as to what type of evaluation is required...each state is different.

      But our kids outperform the public schooled children on SATs and in college.
