Saturday, November 10, 2012

Fall Sensory Bin

I set up a Fall sensory bin for the girls this morning (really, it's for me...I love these things).  I planned to include many more objects in the bin, but as I played with it, I realized that simple sensory bins are really more fun and engaging for us than busy ones with so many distractions.

It really is very soothing to pour and scoop, so I did this for a while this morning while hanging out with my sick sweeties (the girls have been sick all week, so we've only left the house once in almost a week).

I was hoping I wouldn't be the only one who enjoyed this sensory bin, so I was happy to see both girls really enjoying it throughout the day!


  1. This is adorable! Where'd you get the corn at?

  2. The corn is just regular popcorn...I have a feeling that Elliott and I may be raiding the sensory bin relatively soon since I used all of our popcorn in it and we are occasional popcorn fiends :)

  3. Bird seed might make an inserting addition of color and texture.
