Monday, December 10, 2012

Dream Snow- Day 8

Dream Snow was the girls' Christmas book of the day on December 8.  We all love the book, and the girls LOVED, LOVED, LOVED the activity that went along with it!

Since we often dream of snow, but rarely get it, I decided that Insta-Snow would be the perfect thing to go along with the book, Dream Snow!  (I bought the Insta-Snow from Oriental Trading more than a year ago and promptly forgot about it, which worked out well :)

The girls took turns measuring the Insta-Snow powder and the water and then mixing it together.  It was fun to watch how quickly the powder turned into "snow."

We had fun trying to make snowballs, but they fell apart immediately.

We tried to build a mini snowman, but this was also unsuccessful.

They were trying to make mini snow angels with their it!

Insta-snow is supposed to last for about a month, so we are looking forward to many more days of fake snow fun!

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