Saturday, December 22, 2012

Our Gumdrop Tree

One of our favorite traditions is making our gumdrop tree each year.  The girls and I break toothpicks in half, stick them in a styrofoam tree form, and stick gumdrops on the toothpicks.  We always love this activity.

This is at least the 4th year that we've done this activity, and we've always used the same styrofoam tree form!  I thought that last year would be the last year for it, but it lasted one more year.  However, as we were building the tree, the top started to crumble.  So, the tree form will be going into the trash after Christmas this year.  I hate to use styrofoam, but using the same form for 4 years makes me feel a little less guilty about it :)

We were excited that the girls' cousin was visiting and helped us make our gumdrop tree!


  1. Oh, your girls would love gumdrop ballerinas! If I can find a link, I'll come back and share it!

  2. Ok, I am not able to paste here, but if you google restless risa gumdrop people, you should find it!
    So cute!
