Tuesday, December 25, 2012

The Nutcracker

One of the girls' books of the day a couple of weeks ago was The Nutcracker.  The girls LOVE this book!

We started taking O(6) to see The Nutcracker ballet when she was 2, and she has danced in the ballet for the past 3 years (she was a mouse this year).  E(3) saw her first Nutcracker ballet at age 1, and she has been completely mesmerized every time she has seen it.  So, it's no surprise that they love the book!
For the go-along activity, they put together a paper Nutcracker (that I bought from Dollar General).  Coincidentally, my mom came to keep the girls on the day that they opened this book, and she had an AMAZING Nutcracker music box for them.

The girls LOVE this music box and have spent many hours staring at the dancers and then dancing to the music.  E(3) has started snuggling down under our tiny Christmas tree while hugging her Nutcracker doll...she loves to pretend to be Clara.  She also dances all around the room while holding and looking lovingly at her Nutcracker doll  She is so sweet.
E(3) gets pretty creative when she plays with her music box and playmobil figures!


  1. Hi
    I love ballet too, and classical music, but I was not sure about taking my little girl (23 months) to see it, as she has a very short attention span and I am afraid that after 15 min after the start of the performance she'd start getting restless and bother other theatre-goers around us and we'd have to leave, and that would be a shame because for a decent performance we'd have to drive quite a bit and it wouldn't be cheap.
    Can you give me any tips please?

  2. E(3) was 15 months old the first time we took her to see The Nutcracker Ballet, and I was worried that she would be restless. However, she was completely mesmerized the entire time. O saw the ballet for the first time when she was almost 2 and a half, and she was also completely mesmerized. I was afraid they would be scared by the cannon fire and smoke, but it never bothered either one of them. Sorry I'm not more help!
