Wednesday, December 5, 2012

The Polar Express- Day 3

The girls' Christmas book of the day for Dec. 3 was The Polar Express.  They love this book, so they were excited to see it!

 I was a little worried that giving them the playmobil advent calendar on the first day would make the other activities seem like a disappointment, but luckily that hasn't been the case :)  

I knew which book they girls were going to open, but I didn't know what the activity was going to be until right before they opened was super simple, and they squealed with joy when I told them.  They read the book with their daddy, and then they got to listen to The Polar Express audiobook while they were going to sleep.  That's it.  They LOVED it.  Simple is good.  And our girls LOVE audiobooks!

1 comment:

  1. Best Christmas book ever.
