Tuesday, January 22, 2013

To Quit or Not...

I just can't decide if I want to continue this blog or not.  A huge part of me wants to stop blogging here, but I think that I'll regret it eventually.  Hmmm.  Thinking and wondering if continuing is worth the effort.  The huge amount of spam comments are pushing me towards saying forget it, but Mr. Ed really wants me to keep it going :)  So, we'll see...


  1. So sorry to heard that Melissa, Hope you continue with the blog...you're a truly inspiration!! I learned a LOT from you!!

  2. Love your blog, just turn off the comments!

  3. you can add a word verification feature to the comments section to avoid this i believe.

  4. Well I read you every day at work and missed you during this recent break. I get a lot of ideas from you for things to do with my twins.

  5. Melissa, I know I have never really commented before, but I want you to know that I DO read your blog posts. I have six kids, my youngest two are 1 and have Down syndrome. I love reading all that you guys are doing and it gives me ideas for the things that we can be doing as soon as they are old enough. Hope that you keep blogging. I have really enjoyed your blog.

  6. I have been bombarded by spam lately as well. I'm considering not allowing anonymous comments anymore, and also turning on the captcha (in addition to my moderation, which is one of my pet peeves!).

    I do hope you'll continue blogging. Even if it's only once a month, or however often you feel like it, I'll still be here to read it.

  7. Big decision for a busy Mama. I love your blog, you've inspired me in so many ways with my own 3 girls (age 5,3,and 1).

  8. I really enjoy your blog and ideas but totally understand the spam comments - grrrrrr.

  9. sometimes the spam comments are because of the commenting section not having that stupid 'prove you are not a robot' thing... that might cut that out for you... ?

  10. I'm sorry about the bad comments. You have really inspired me and I love all your posts.

  11. but i see you've got it, so i have no idea.

  12. I learn a lot from you too but I realize life priorities mean everything.

  13. what if you turn off comments? if someone wants to contact you, they'll find a way

  14. disable comments I did that for a while then the spam stopped when I continued.

  15. I would really love to see it keep going. I have two young ones that I get great ideas for from here.

  16. I've struggled with the same issue. Just do what is best for you, but know that if you do quit, you will be missed! :)

  17. I enjoy reading your blog. Sorry to hear about the spam comments. I hope you continue. Renee

  18. I hope you keep the blog, too! I have two daughters about the same age as yours and I am always inspired by your posts.

  19. I'm another dedicated reader weighing in with a "don't let the spam get you down!" I love your blog!

  20. I've also always loved your blog. You will regret it if you quit writing. Disable commenting for a while but don't stop writing!

  21. Dear Melissa,
    i'm your friend from Argentina. I read your blog almost everyday. Please, continue blogging you're a great source of inspiration for many moms. I know it must be really demanding, but we love reading about your girls growing in such a lovely area and being raised by a wonderful mom. hope you continue!
    Maria Elena

  22. You could always take a little break to decide if you really want to continue. I stopped blogging for a few months and came back because I truly missed it!

  23. I am a mother of four boys under the age of 4. I am battling a brain tumor myself and have found endless inspiration in your blog. I hope you decide what is right for you. Good luck.

    Jenny S

  24. My dear blogger, sometimes the path seems troubled you have done such a great and an absolutely Immense work!
    We will be always grateful

    You so kindly let your window open so we can take a peek and you have shown us what a wonderful life it can be, if we just stop and think for a moment what a difference we can make.

    And it takes so much dedication, hard work and you have done it. You are brilliant!

    You say in your blog that you work 45 days, but you don't, you work 365 days of the year and meanwhile most of us are getting ready to go to bed tired, You are reading, thinking, creating, researching to bring something else to the plate for your family to you- to us in a way.

    It takes so much dedication, effort, imagination and discipline to do it and put it all together.

    And dont think for a second that its taken for granted we appreciate it every minute even though you may not see us.

    What you have done is bring to light the "alternative" (which once used to be the normal) to educate and establish a good healthy relationship between families.

    I think now a days people are starving for sites like this ones. Because we missed what is Real. The simplicity
    Follow the child, and give the child another tool so they can shine.

    You are not just an inspiration, but THEIA -the greek goddess of the light-

    I have to tell you that path you have chosen its not by any chance the easiest one, but it carries the flame of something bigger

    Like the seasons everybody needs a break after giving so much (harvest) and its time to retreat and nurture yourself, redirect...

    Please don't leave this hanging in the dark

  25. Please don't quit! I love your blog!!! U are truly an inspiration..

  26. I really enjoy your blog and the ideas you use I often reuse with my children. That being said although I would miss reading it only you know what is best for you and your family and that comes first. Thanks for all you've already written.

  27. love your blog and get great ideas from you. in the end it is what is in your heart. best.

  28. Mr. Ed said to let you know that, if you really do want to stop, he'll get over it but he will miss your posts.....but don't let him be part of the decision. It should be what is best for you and your family.....

  29. I love your blog. I would disable the anonymous feature for awhile and see if that stops the spam.

  30. I have been following your blog since 2010, why don't you try something different? like a video blog of homeschooling. It would be so cool, we can learn and brainstorm together and it will be so valuable for the the homeschooling community, that tends to be so hermetic.

  31. I started following your blog first as a teacher and now as the mom of a two year old and newborn. I really enjoy it. That said, I completely understand where you're coming from. I had/have a baking blog and once it got to the point that I felt obligated to it instead of enjoying it, I knew I needed to reevaulate things. I decided to take a break. I'm not sure for how long, but I haven't blogged since April and I'm o.k with that. I'm pretty sure I'll post again, but I'll know when that is. I like that it's still up and the content is still available. I also like that I don't feel the pressure of posting.
    Whatever you choose, I'm sure it will be the right decision for you and your family.

  32. I love getting ideas and watching your kids grow. My two girls are 2 & 5. You do whats right for you but either way Thank you for all that you have taught me about being a good mom with my girls!

  33. another loyal follower here :) love your blog. hope you find a way to continue blogging and being happy about it.

  34. I love your blog, but understand you need to do it because you enjoy it. I don't think you are letting anyone down if you take a break from it. Focus on your family and continue to enjoy every day. (Just please don't take the blog down completely so we can't come back and reference some of your great ideas!) Thanks for sharing so much of your life with us. It has really helped me with my almost 3 year old.

  35. Thanks for all of the wonderful comments and emails. You all have convinced me not to quit! I'll have a post up within a few days!

  36. I began to get sad when I saw your original post about possibly ending this blog - I understand it must take a good deal of time, but I LOVE coming to see what good ideas you have - I have a few that I check almost nightly, and yours is one of them! I am trying more and more to bring montessori in to my teaching method, atleast with the younger ages in my home, and I love the ideas I have seen here. So I am glad that you've decided to stick with it! And THANK YOU! I don't think good bloggers hear that enough!

  37. I rarely comment on your blog, but I do check it daily. You have wonderful ideas and are an inspiration. Maybe consider posting less frequently?

    I too am a school psychologist, but am currently staying home with my 2 little girls. I would love to get back into it part-time when the girls head off to school.
    Good luck with your decision.

  38. Don't quit!! If SPAM is getting you down, why not turn the comments option off for a while? That's what Jaime at Simple Homeschool does on her other blog.

  39. At the begining I followed 4 blogs and slowly stoped the other 3 because I found myself only reading yours. I love love your blog, please do not stop. I reuse most of your activity ideas. So much fun!
    Thanks for this.

  40. I would like to also thank you for letting us share in the lessons you are teaching your girls. I understand how putting a part of your life on the internet can bring you the comments of others who did not have mothers like you to teach right from wrong & how to play nice.
    My child is old enough to someday have children :) but i like reading your blog for the ideas of encouraging him to home school his someday children :)
    However you decide to continue your blog, please know you have been a quiet encouragement to many. Thank you for teaching all us the many ways to love & encourage our children.

  41. If you have to question if you want to blog still, it's time to stop. It sounds like a chore. There are dozens of Montessori blogs out there, and every one is doing the same things- putting little seasonal dollar store items in cups to pour or trays to sort. If I were a kid, I'd be so sick of pouring and sorting. I don't think the world needs dozens of Montessori blogs. If we've seen one, we've seen them all. Now everyone is making sensory bins. It's another thing the blogging world is getting an abundance of. You did a good job on your blog, but how many years worth of it do you still need to show? I'd quit if I were you, and be proud of the fact that you were one of the pioneers of Montessori blogging.

  42. To the person who wrote the anonymous comment above: If you don't have anything nice to say you shouldn't say anything at all (didn't your mother teach you that?). If you are so tired of the "dozens of Montessori blogs out there" where "everyone is doing the same things" then please stop reading these blogs and please focus your negative attention elsewhere. How very lucky you are to know how to create sensory bins and activity trays but not all of us do! I personally turn to this blog for all of Melissa's AMAZING and CREATIVE and inexpensive ideas and activities. For mother's on a budget the dollar store activities are the best!!! I also think it would best suit you not to come to the Chasing Cheerios blog again since you seem to think that you have seen it all. Don't you also think that this blog is here for Melissa to show her children some day what they did as children and what their childhood was like. I think it is a beautiful way to document a child's life. It certainly does not matter if the activities are repeated one or five hundred times...it is the bloggers decision about what they want to post. Like I said before, if you don't like it then don't come to this blog.

    Melissa, I find your blog inspiring. It has made me a better mother to my children and I just love ALL of your activities. My children love to scoop and pour and never get sick of it...and what amazing fine motor skills they are developing from this fun activity. I certainly hope that you do continue to blog but if it is too much for you I would also understand your reason to stop. How about blogging just a few times per week? I also hope that you do not stop blogging because of negative comments. What would you think about turning the comments off? Whatever you do decide I would like to thank you for inspiring so many of us. Thank you!

  43. I hope you stay! Even if the posts aren't as often. :)

  44. Thanks again for all of your wonderful and kind comments! I'm working on a post now...

  45. I live in India. I love your blog and have been taking ideas from it regularly. It truly inspires moms that want to spend quality time with kids. It will be great to have inflow of ideas from you.

  46. I can't tell you what an inspiration you are to me!!! For any ideas for activities for my 2 year old Audrey, I come straight here!! You save me on days where I forgot to figure out an activity for the day I turn to your blog during her naptime to save me!! I hope you stay!! Even if it isn't as often. I will still be checking your blog daily regardless! :-)

  47. I second (most of) the other comments. Do what you feel is right in your heart but I've enjoyed reading your posts and will continue reading if you continue writing. Good luck!

  48. cant stop reading and getting amazing ideas! thank you!
