Monday, March 4, 2013

More Initial Consonants Work

We finally made it back to our school room after more than 2 weeks off!  It was quite an adjustment to be back in there, but it ended well...phew!

E(3) had fun completing this initial consonants work.  I printed and laminated these cards several years ago for O(6), so I'm not sure where they came from...I'm hoping someone will recognize them and let me know, so that I can add a link.

To do this work, E(3) named the picture, said the sound for each letter listed, and then circled the letter that matches the picture.  She was leaning over on my lap and snuggling me the whole time she worked.  At one point, she paused in her work and looked at me and said "When I grow up, I'm going to make art to put in museums and be a ballerina."  Love her!

1 comment:

  1. What a great activity! And even more wonderful snuggled in mom's lap!
