Sunday, March 10, 2013

Revolutionary War Studies

I just found this post that I wrote and saved a few months ago, but never published.  Hope you enjoy it :)

O(6) was excited to receive her American Girl fun pack last month, and we've been studying Felicity ever since.  She received Felicity paper dolls, Felicity short stories, and parchment paper and a quill pen.  Both girls loved writing with a quill pen.

We've enjoyed reading the Felicity Mystery book, Felicity short stories, and listening to the Felicity audio books via Tales 2 Go on our ipad.  In addition to the Felicity books, we've read many, many books related to this time period.

Both girls love playing with Redcoat and Continental Army toobs.  E(3) is somewhat obsessed with General George Washington, and she loves to play "George Washington and the Drummer."  She has had her fairy toob figures teach George Washington to fly, which has been very entertaining.

We have several of these "If you lived at the time of..." books, and they are fun to read.

George the Drummer Boy was one of E(3)'s favorite books.

She loves playing with our drummer boy.  I'm always the drummer boy while she is George Washington.

While I was reading the book, E said "turn back, turn back!" I turned back to an earlier page, and she quickly matched  a figure to the page.

E's favorite book about George Washington is George vs. George.  This is a wonderful book, and we've all learned a lot from reading it.

Both girls liked Sam the Minuteman. 

We all LOVED reading Sybil Ludington's Midnight Ride.  We returned this book to the library about a month ago, and E still talks about Sybil.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for this! I'll have to check out the library for some of these books.
