Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Silky Soap Dough

The girls and I had a wonderful time making and playing with silky soap dough last week!  We mixed a cup of cornstarch with a half cup of handsoap.  Once it was thoroughly mixed, it was silky and soft!

We had a discussion of measurement to incorporate a little bit of math into this activity.

O(6) loves making bowls out of clay and dough, so I wasn't surprised to see her making a silky soap dough bowl!  She used the fork to make designs in her dough.


  1. I have never heard of this recipe before! I will have to try it with my children, especially as it gets warmer outside and the nice weather beckons to us from the other side of the window! Thanks for sharing it :)

  2. Looks like fun - but is the 1/2 C of "hand soap", soft soap? Thanks!

  3. How well does this store or do you have to throw it away when finished with it?

  4. We did this today and it was over an hour of play!! We added in chocolate sprinkles and next time will use glitter. Soooo much fun! We can't do Playdoh for awhile b/c of gluten & this is the best gluten free substitue I've found! And the easiest. :) Thanks!!
