Tuesday, April 2, 2013

One year ago today...

Elliott's benign brain tumor was removed via craniotomy one year ago today.  In some ways, it seems like last week, and in other ways it seems like it was all just a bad dream and I can barely remember it.  We are so incredibly fortunate that his recovery was fast and remarkable.  His follow-up MRI will be soon, and we are hopeful that there will be no regrowth of the tumor.


  1. Lots of prayers for your family!! I remember
    The day I read about the tumor and the sad feeling as I read your blog in the following time along with rejoicing at his recovery! It wasn't long after that I was diagnosed with a brain tumor myself. I think I may have even emailed with a question or two.....I had my tumor removed In Feb and I know well the anticipation of waiting for that scan to verify all is well! I am a homeschooling mom of 6....love your ideas and appreciate your time in sharing them!
    Many mant prayers for your family from mine! Lisa

  2. Praise God! Will be remembering your family in my prayers as you await his follow-up MRI.
