Saturday, May 17, 2014

Summer School Curriculum for 2014

We homeschool year round with breaks throughout the year.  However, our summer school curriculum is a little more relaxed and fun than our school year curriculum.  I asked for lots of input from the girls, and I think we are going to have a fantastic and fun summer!


Rightstart Math card games.  We LOVE these card games and will continue to play them throughout the summer.

Life of Fred-  Both girls LOVE the Life of Fred books, and they cheered and jumped up and down when I told them we would do Life of Fred again this summer.


Both girls requested that we do Magic School bus science kits again this summer.  The kits were disappointing to me, but the girls love to get them in the "mail."

Engino -  This is a surprise for the girls, and they are going to LOVE it!  We are going to learn all about and build simple machines this summer.  Elliott (the daddy) is excited about this summer school class!

We'll read Archimedes and the Door of Science.

We also plan to read the Burgess Seashore Book.  We read this book last summer, but didn't finish it.  This summer the girls will keep a science journal as we read each chapter (drawing pictures of the animals and narrating).

daily nature study via kayak rides, nature walks, boat rides, and playing in the lake

Circuits-  The girls love to complete circuits projects.


We will continue with our study of American History via American Girls.

We're reading Our Island Story.

And we're looking forward to starting Robin Hood soon.


We will continue with Elementary Spanish via Discovery Streaming throughout the summer.


I'm hoping to finally start the Meet the Masters program this summer.  We'll also do tons of messy and creative art activities on our beach on an almost daily basis.

English Language Arts

We will continue to read chapter books aloud together, and O will read chapter books independently.  E enjoys reading BOB books and Hooked on Phonics books aloud.

Spelling-  O will continue to complete her Sequential Spelling lessons throughout the summer (probably just one or 2 lessons per week).


O(7) recently started a typing program,and she LOVES it!  She has requested to continue it over the summer.


E(4) has requested a more in depth study of the Carnival of the Animals, and O would like to learn more about Handel.  I'm hoping to find library books about both and to use the materials available for download from the Maestro Classics website.


Both girls are interested in learning more about cooking, so I'm planning to set aside at least one afternoon per week for them to focus on cooking.  I'd love suggestions on a great kids' cookbook!


Both girls (especially O) love to build things with their daddy.  Elliott is planning to order a woodworking with kids book and complete several projects with the girls over the summer.  Again, I'd love suggestions on a great book (with plans) for woodworking with kids.

Logic Games, Brain Games, and Puzzles

I really love logic and brain games, and I think they are so important for building thinking skills in kids.  We will devote one afternoon per week to playing logic games.  This is what we'll be playing...

My plan is to get the girls outside early during the summer, so we can have several hours (4 at least...I hope) to play in the yard and in the lake before it becomes too unbearably hot.  Then we'll do "school" during the hot afternoon hours (probably less than 2 hours per day) before going back outside to play during the late afternoon.  We'll also have Bible School, dance & theater camp, and vacations, so it's going to be a busy and fun summer!

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