Monday, July 14, 2014

Picking the Bounty from their Birth Trees

We planted fruit trees (or bushes) at the birth of each of our girls.  O(7)'s peach and fig trees produce abundantly each year, and E(4) was THRILLED to see pears on her pear tree for the first time ever this summer. (Unfortunately, it appears that her blackberry bush has died...hopefully, it will come back).  We picked almost all of the peaches today, but have barely even scratched the surface of the figs.  We really need to learn to make fig preserves because there is no way we can eat that many figs!  Hopefully, E(4)'s pears will be ready to pick soon!

1 comment:

  1. Hi. I just wanted to tell you, don´t know if you know, that that white milk that comes out of the figs can burn baddly in the sun, like lemons. I got a pretty bad burn last summer. :)
    Love your blog.
    Gisele - from Brasil
