Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Color Sorting

Thanks to the One Little, Two Little blog for posting the link to this great color sorting game! We started with blue, red, and yellow, and I think I'll add in orange next time. O was a little skeptical at 1st, but she had fun once she started. She didn't want to participate when I called the activity "color sorting," but she was ready to work when I changed my wording and said it was "color matching." The girl loves to match :)


  1. Love this. Thanks for the idea and link! Sean insists on matching the hats with the hats and shirts with the shirts instead of the colors, but we'll get there. =)

  2. Since you like using pictures and flash cards, I wanted to tell you about a special ed trick... baseball card protectors... they're perfect to put pictures in, serve as waterproofing, can have interchangeable pictures, and are virtually indestructable. I have put velcro on the back of them to make interactive boards (oh, and btw, velcro sticks great to headliner from cars, if you know a car person that can salvage some for you).. lol... figured since I'm taking all your ideas to use with my munchkins, i should give you some of mine :)
