Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Pipe Cleaner Letter Cards

My friend, Jennifer, had the great idea to make letters from pipe cleaners and glue them to flashcards. I'd made letters from pipe cleaners before, but I'd never thought of gluing them to notecards. This was a super easy and fast project. I ran out of red pipe cleaners before I finished making the alphabet. I plan on using these letters in conjunction with O's phonics bags. Thanks, Jennifer, for sharing this great idea!


  1. Love it! I'm definitely borrowing that one, and I'm going to look for the bags at Michael's.

  2. that is such a cool idea~ and we always hve pip cleaners i'm going ot have to make some! thanks for the idea

  3. That is a really great idea. It reminds me of an idea the occupational therapist at my school recommended. Place the letters into a bag and see if the child can identify them based only on touch. It adds another dimension to their learning and processing.

  4. Hi Melissa, you told us awhile ago that we were free to share your great activities on our site ABC & 123 and we wanted to let you know we added this activity to tomorrow's post on alphabet activities. Thanks for sharing!

  5. What a wonderful idea. It's going on my to-do list.
