Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Making Music

IMG_1087 (Large), originally uploaded by omamom16.

O had a great time making music on her banging wall this morning. We've had a beautiful week, and we've been spending about an hour or 2 outside each morning after "school." I LOVE fall!


  1. What a great idea! I bet I could find a lot of those things at a garage sale! And how fun to have them all outside to play with in this beautiful weather!!

  2. Another great idea! I am going to try this one for sure!

  3. Oh I love the banging wall! Ever since I saw it on Soulemama I've wanted one!

  4. I've been wanting to do this, too. Just can't seem to find a good spot. Looks like a ton of fun!

  5. I have wanted to do this since seeing it on Soulemamma but we live in the inner city.. so not too sure if our close neighbours will appreciate it ;)

  6. What fun! I know that your daughter will grow up loving music because of this!

  7. I love the banging wall! Can my 3 year old and I come over to play? LOL

  8. It is fun, but I think I like it more than O!
    Sure, Michie! Come on over :)

  9. Oh My Gosh, I can tell you right now there's going to be something similar hanging in our yard very soon! That just looks like way too much fun!
