Friday, October 31, 2008

Footprint Ghost Cards

IMG_1737 (Large), originally uploaded by omamom16.

I saw this on a blog somewhere recently (I have no idea where!), and thought it was a great idea :) I painted O's foot white and then pressed it onto the black construction paper. Once the ghost dried, we glued the googly eyes to the heel, and I wrote the message with a silver sharpie. I had O sign her name. I planned on her writing an O, but she insisted on writing and M (her version) for Mommy. Her M's are basically just a few lines. I said "Oh, it's an M," and O said "No, it's not. That's just lines! O not know how make M!"


  1. We made those in our classroom (older 1s/younger 2s, not Montessori)! But we just drew in faces with a black marker on the heels.

    We also did handprint spiders (black paint on white paper--don't paint the thumb or you'll have 10-legged spiders), and we used googly eyes on those.

    We've also made handprint flowers (bright paint, draw in stems with a green marker) and fist pumpkins (orange paint, draw in stems with green or brown marker). If your child can't make a fist, you can just paint their palm orange instead, but not their fingers.

  2. Hmm I saw a halloween wreath at lauras that used this and a hand fist for pumpkin, perhaps that was the blog?

    I love this idea for cards though, the googly eyes really make it!

  3. This is such a cute idea!

    We used Evie's thumbprints to make candy corn cards. They turned out pretty cute!
