Friday, October 31, 2008

Our Pretty Princesses

october 2008 046 (Large), originally uploaded by omamom16.

O and M were beautiful flower girls in our cousin's wedding a few weeks ago. In this picture they are blowing bubbles and then chasing them. This is one of my favorite pictures from the wedding. I just wish that green cord wasn't in the picture!


  1. I love that picture!! Maybe one of your talented readers would know how to photoshop out the green line.

  2. Yup...that would be a pretty simple Photoshop fix. Feel free to email me the photo and I'll touch it up for you :)

  3. Guess what? I downloaded googles FREE Picasa3 and it will "clone" just like photoshop does. I LOVE Picasa and now you can push a "shop" button and send your fixed photos right to where ever you buy them on-line. I use WINKFLASH. Best quality, and $.99 shipping, no matter how many prints you get.

    Have fun fixing!

  4. AND -- you are right... that IS an adorable photo. Ü

  5. You can e-mail me the picture and I can have Hubby photoshop it for you if you'd like:

    I'd love to help out:)

  6. That is a great picture! I agree, easy to fix with either Picasa 3 (I love and use this program) or photoshop.

  7. I can take care of that line right away - feel free to email it to me.
    fuzzysheepcrafts .at. gmail dot com

    you'll never know it was ever there... PROMISE!

  8. What a beautiful picture! Love your blog by the way!

  9. Love the picture! And I started to photoshop it and then thought... I bet someone has volunteered! It's a "spot healing brush" and it just mimics the grass around it. Love that tool.

  10. What a precious picture!! I didn't even notice the green cord in the photo. So beautiful!


    Here you go.
