Wednesday, November 12, 2008

A Fun Felt Turkey Activity

IMG_1997 (Large), originally uploaded by omamom16.

The idea for this activity came from Itty Bitty Love's jack o'lantern activity. I didn't get around to making that one, so I decided to make a turkey. I couldn't really get a good picture of a turkey in my mind until I saw Laura's turkey, so that turkey was the inspiration. I also got ideas for the feathers and hats from Starfall. To make this activity, I just cut the shapes out from felt, took pictures of the different turkey arrangements, printed the pictures (wallet sized), laminated the pictures, and we were ready to go! I spread all of the pieces out on a bigger felt board, so O could see them easily. To make the small felt board, I just glued a piece of felt to a piece of a cardboard box. I think we are going to have LOTS of fun with this one!


  1. I love this idea! I was needing an activity for my 2 year old to do the week my 4 year old is learning about Thanksgiving!! Thanks for sharing!!

  2. cute idea, we don't do Thanksgiving but maybe I could make Christmas one.

  3. I'll have a winter one up tomorrow :)

  4. I love your turkey - you are so creative! I'd been thinking about making a turkey-themed felt board activity, but I was daunted by the thought of making turkey matching cards (the jack o-lantern ones were much easier). Wallet-sized photos are the perfect solution! Thanks!


  5. Another fabulous crafty idea Melissa!

    Oh what I would give to have a decent printer and a laminating machine. I bet I could convince my DH that they are school related expenses, don't you think?

  6. Amber- A printer and laminating machine are a must!!!

  7. Hi there, I don't know if I've posted before on your blog...but I'm Candace and I check in with you every few days. I'm a homeschooling mama of 3 and we LOVE crafts at our house, this turkey is SO CUTE! And I love the snowman too! Thank you for sharing!!

