Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Pouring Water

IMG_1876 (Large), originally uploaded by omamom16.

I found this tiny little teapot and cup at the thrift store for 50 cents and introduced O to pouring water. She LOVES it! She loves anything tiny, so this was perfect for her. She drank all the water, and I had to keep refilling the teapot :)


  1. That's better, little amount of water AWAY from the fridge! :0)

  2. What a great deal! Grayson loves to pour and measure....everyday after school he asks to do "rice and water work". I love Montessori!!

  3. fun! thrift store buys are the best!

  4. after all your pouring ideas I too gave my little one a silver teapot that belonged to her great grandma... they love to pour with those things!
