Saturday, December 20, 2008

We Finished!

My mom and I finally finished making O's doll diaper bag and all of the accessories this weekend! It was such a relief to be finished, and we are pleased with the finished products :)
We had a difficult time figuring out how to make the bag. As usual, we didn't use a pattern, so it took us a while to figure it out. It would have been quite simple if we'd had any idea what we were doing!

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Here's all the loot!

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I decided at the last minute that O's doll, Baby Emma, needed a doll of her own. I traced around one of my mom's nesting dolls to make the pattern, but she lost a lot of her shape when she was sewn. She has a little bell inside since every baby needs a rattle :)

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  1. These turned out so adorable - fantastic idea.

  2. How stinkin' cute is this!! What a lucky little girl!!

  3. What a nice set :) Now she will have all the right stuff to care for her baby.

  4. What an amazing job you did! She is so very lucky and will love every minute of using these items.

  5. That is such a great idea... I am sure she will love it!

  6. What a perfect gift! I know my girl would LOVE something like this!

  7. You are so creative. Wow. You could sell these on Etsy. Other little girls would love them! A diaper bag full of accessories!

  8. Thanks, everybody!

    Mandy- These took so long for us to make that I'd have to charge an astronomical amount of money to make it worth my while :) But it's a good idea if I ever get faster at sewing!

  9. Why is it that when I try to view the photos it takes me to a link to sign up for a photo account with drop shots? I'd love to see a picture of the diaper bag and accessories. Thanks

  10. Those pics were lost when the account expired. I'm slowly (very slowly) adding back the missing pics. It's a tedious process that I do not enjoy.
