Thursday, February 12, 2009

Simple and Fun!


For the past few days, O and Guh-guh have had a GREAT time rolling the chalk down her slide and into bowls :) O calls this "bowling." I'm amazed with how thoroughly entertained she is by this activity! They practice counting by counting the pieces of chalk in the bowls, and she's probably learning a little about physics, too :)


  1. Fun! Kids seem so easily amused . . . sometimes!

  2. Oh how fun. Kids find the funniest things to play sometimes. Your weather looks good too!

  3. Could you please post a version of your daily schedule (roughly?)? How do you fit in activities, daily chores, etc. Do you have a facebook page? Thanks so much for sharing.


  4. Michelle- Thanks for your comment, but right now there is NO schedule :( I'm so sick that I barely get out of bed. When my mom is here, she and O do montessori activities, but it's been weeks since I've done anything like that with her. I'm hoping that things will be better soon and we can get back on track. Right now we are just surviving through one day at a time...

  5. One of my niece's favorite activities is running her hand through uncooked rice. It's not as educational as the chalk-and-slide, but it always amazes me how easily children are fascinated by and entertained by their environment like that =)

  6. Love this idea and can't wait till it warms up and the snow melts here for us to try it! Math and the physics of gravity...perfect!


  7. We taught E man this. Then everything started going down the, his dolly stroller, he even tried rolling the cat down it.
