Thursday, February 12, 2009

Learning about Car Engines


O has been learning all about cars lately, since she's been spending more one-on-one time with Elliott. He's thrilled that she is so interested! He has taught her to check the oil, change the battery, wash the car, etc. He wants her to watch him change the oil, but I have to be out there to supervise that since he'll be under the car (and we don't want her wandering the garage without supervision) :) I guess this qualifies as "unschooling!"


  1. Lol she probably knows more about car engines now than I do! =)

  2. That's great that she is interested in cars. I fun life lesson.

  3. Arin loves to help her daddy with that kind of thing too. I think it's so cute to see the two of them bonding together.

  4. Jake wanted to learn about the car at that age too. Unfortunately for him, he asked me to tell him about all the parts. I tried not to make too much up. LOL!

    I have to tell you, I am so impressed with your Montessori home schooling! I wish I had it in me to homeschool.

  5. My husband is eagerly awaiting this phase of education for our girl! Very cute photo.

  6. to cute! Encourage that past time -it will be invalueable when shes a young adult venturing out in the world in her first car!
