Wednesday, February 11, 2009

You Guessed It!

Good job, ladies! Yes, O is going to be a big sister. I have been extremely sick, much sicker than I was with O (didn't think that was possible!) or with my last pregnancy. I've barely gotten out of the bed for the last 2 weeks, and I've been losing weight. I didn't know I could feel so miserable and survive :) As much as I've hated to do it, I've started taking medication. I've tried several things...unisom, benadryl, pepcid, and we finally decided on Zofran. It's a class b drug, which is somewhat comforting. It's super expensive, but luckily we have good health insurance. I took the first one today, and I was able to go outside for a little while and upstairs to the den and kitchen. Both of those things are HUGE accomplishments. Usually I throw up if I move just a little bit, and I haven't been upstairs in 4 days. I am so very lucky that my mom has basically stopped everything to help us. We wouldn't have made it through the last 3 weeks without her. O and I stayed at her house for 2 weeks, and she has been here at our house since Tuesday morning. I've felt pretty guilty about not being able to do things for and with O like I usually do, but she doesn't seem to mind since she has her Guh-guh during the week and her daddy on the weekends and after work. She's been hanging out with me in the bed some, and we are enjoying watching Signing Time videos on youtube. We're both learning lots of signs!

O has been taking good care of her mama! Whenever she hears me throwing up, she comes running to me and pats my back. She usually says in an exasperated tone "Ohhhh, she's throwing up again!" (It's hilarious!). She brings me toys, pillows, blankets, pretend water, etc. to make me "feel better" while I hang out by the toilet :) She also likes to put bandaids on my stomach :) She constantly puts babies up her shirt and says she's growing a baby. A few days ago, she put a kitty (stuffed) up her shirt and said she was "growing a pet." She definitely keeps me entertained!

We are cautiously optimistic that this pregnancy will be a viable one, but it is hard to be excited when I know how bad things can get with absolutely no warning. I'm constantly waiting for the worst news, and our visits with our midwife have been quite stressful. We are so lucky to have the most wonderful midwife ever. She's extrememly supportive and caring. We've seen the heartbeat twice on official ultrasound and one in which my midwife just took a peak to ease my mind. Yesterday we heard a strong heartbeat using the doppler, which was very comforting. Our last baby never made it this far, so I do have hope... So, for those of you who pray, we ask for prayers that we will have a healthy baby in August.


  1. Congrats! Throwing up is a good sign! :) We'll be praying!!

  2. I will be praying for you every day until that little one is born! Congrats:0)

  3. Congratulations!! I am praying that everything works out wonderful for you :)

  4. i'm so happy for you and your in my thoughts and prayers!

  5. Congratulations! Our prayers for a healthy pregnancy are yours.

  6. Congrats! I will be praying for you!

  7. Congratulations. I am due in August too:) I'll be praying for your pregnancy.

  8. Melissa,

    Congratulations! Best wishes and prayers to you and your family for a healthy pregnancy.

  9. Congratulations! I wound up taking zofran with my second pregnancy as well and it really is wonderfully helpful. I think it may be available as a generic though- you may want to ask your pharmacist.

  10. Thanks, ladies!

    Becky- It is the generic Zofran, so luckily we only paid 10 dollars for it. Without insurance it would have cost almost 400 dollars for 15 pills. Crazy!

  11. Congrats! I don't know if you've tried it, but ginger capsules (no other form worked for me) helped so much with my morning sickness with my current pregnancy. And as someone else said, throwing up is a good sign for baby even if it is no fun for you!

  12. Thank God for Zofran! :) I took the generic for 3 months (all insurance would cover)...then switched to the unison/b6 concoction. Being pregnant-sick sucks, but it does have it's ultimate blessing in the end. Congrats!

  13. Congrats! And O sounds so sweet. Hang in there - the misery won't last forever!

  14. So glad to hear that you are able to take Zofran!!! What a blessing for you and your blessing. :)

    Prayers for you and your growing family.

    Thanks for sharing with us.

  15. Yay! I'm so happy for you!

    My sister was on Zofran for the entirety of her last three pregnancies, and for part of her first one. All four of her children have been full term, very healthy, etc. I don't think she or they would have made it, if not for Zofran.

    BTW, I just happened upon research that acupunture is established as being helpful for pregnancy-related nausea.

  16. i am also due in august and have just recenly emerged from my nauseated funk, tho it's been nothing as bad as yours. but my 2.5 yr old was sweet, too... i loved the idea of O putting bandaids on yourtummy! so cute!
    i DO pray you feel better, and fast, whether thru grace or medicine or a combination thereof.

  17. congratulations! i love your blog and i'm so happy that O will be a big sis! :)

    i pray that your sickness will ease and that you will have a happy and healthy pregnancy with a happy and healthy baby! may God bless you and yours!

  18. Congratulations! Definitely praying for this little baby that God would knit him/her in womb perfectly. Also that you would feel a little better, bless your heart. Aren't grandmas the best.

  19. Congratulations - hope you are soon feeling better. I'm due in July and although not as sick as you have just begun to recover from the combined sick/tired and guilty-for-not-playing-enough stage. Glad you've got someone to help you.

  20. My husband and I found your blog months ago when he and I were discussing doing a montessori-esque pre-school at home for our future kids. Your blog is great, you are such a wonderful mom! Congrats on the news! We'll keep you in our prayers.

  21. Congrats! I hope you feel better soon! Will be praying!

  22. We might have baby buddies - due Aug 14th myself and struggling with the alldaysickness too. Just this very week finally got some relief and am on Zofran and Phenergan (sp?). Knocked the constant nauseau and puking down to a manageable level, praise the Lord.

    Will be lifting you up and praying for exciting visits from your mid-wife each and every time and continued relief from the all-day-sickness!!! Also for our little girls (my Riley just turned 3) as they prepare for their new babies too :)

  23. Yay!
    My troops have you and the babe in our prayers.

  24. Oh so exciting! I'm sorry you are feeling sick and I hope it gets better soon for you so you can be back to playing with O. I'm due in August too and still sick and tired all the time. Best wishes and I'll be praying for a healthy baby for both of us in August :)

  25. Being super sick is such a good sign! I had 8 miscarriages, 7 between my children now, and am so thankful when you see and hear that heartbeat! How wonderful for your family!

  26. Congratulations! Happy to hear that you found something that helps with the sickness. I was very sick when I was pregnant and nothing seemed to work. Doctors would tell me there is nothing they can do ... and all the herbs and alternative stuff I tried (eating, ginger, teas, ...) did not work at all.
    I wish you all the best and pray that it will work out!

  27. Congrats.I will pray that your will have a smooth pregnancy and a healthy child.

  28. Congrats.

    I had to take Zofran as I was sick for 6 months!!! I learned that it is best to take it when you wake up--asap, because if you are already nauseated by the time you take it --it is much less effective. I had to rely on phenegrin once I got to that stage. I was apprehensive as well--but after a few trips to the hospital for fluids I was convinced. DD is happy and healthy and just a tad older than O.

  29. My prayers will be with you and your family. I too had horrible morning/noon/night sickness. Zofran was a blessing-it wasn't a cure all but did allow me to at least work some. I could not imagine having to take care of a little one AND be pregnant. Best WISHES!!

  30. First things first: CONGRATULATIONS!!! And good luck; I'll keep my fingers crossed!!!

    Next: this is my first time stopping by, so I naturally followed your link to your story. And I just wanted to say that I am so very, deeply sorry for your loss. Nothing anybody can ever say will heal that pain, but for what it's worth, I have been through the same thing and I am very sorry.

  31. Congratulations! You'll be in our prayers!

  32. Yay! Lots of prayers for you and your new little one :)

    I completely sympathize with you about the "morning" sickness. I had it so bad with my first (who was an Aug baby), I lost 12 lbs and pretty much only consumed things that were the least repulsive to "see again". Spearmint/peppermint tea have helped alot, as well as sipping coke or chewing mint gum. Hope you feel better soon!

  33. i've been reading your blog for a while and i love it and all of your ideas!
    i'm pregnant, too and i'm on zofran, too because i've never been so sick in my life - so i can totally relate!
    hopefully for both of us the hard part will be over soon and we can start enjoying this :)!

  34. Ah Sweetie, I know where you're coming from, it's so very hard to relax if you've experienced loss, being sick and the Zofran thing too. I'm due the end of July and so far things are "normal" waiting on Quad Screen results and the level 2 Ultra sound visit with the perinatologist on Monday. Keep your faith and no there is always a reason for the way things work out. Best Wishes to you and your family.

  35. I'm so happy for you! I'll be praying for your strength through feeling so awful.

  36. Oh, I feel for you. I'm 29 weeks into my fourth pregnancy and the nausea just won't go away this time (with the others it lasted until 20 weeks). At least it's better than the first couple of months where all I could do was lie on the couch and wish I was dead. :^) Hang in there - praying for a healthy baby and a mama that feels better soon.

  37. Congrats! My sister had hyperemesis with both of her children. Zofran worked, but only Zofran by IV. She had to have a PICC line with both pregnancies.

    I'm so glad the Zofran pills are working for you. I hope you your "morning" sickness doesn't last too much longer.

  38. Congratulations! I'm praying for you and your baby!

  39. Congratulations! My sister in law had horrible morning sickness with all three of her pregnancies and ended up taking Zofran with her third. I hope it is helping!
    I recently found your blog with the hope of doing some Montessori activities with my big rugrat (she will be three next month). I love your ideas!

  40. Congratulations! Hope you are feeling better soon.

  41. Congratulations! I'm due in August too! I was way more nauseous with this pregnancy too, but nothing nearly as bad as you've been dealing with. :-(

  42. You have my prayers. Congratulations!

  43. Wishing you the best and thinking of your family!

  44. That's wonderful news. I lost a baby around the same time you did, so I know how excited yet cautious you are - hopefully more excited than anything. Just be happy. I'll be praying for you.

  45. CONGRATS!!!! Hoping you have a healthy 9 months!!!

  46. I read here all the time but never comment. I just wanted to give you a cyber hug :) YOu will be worried this whole pg I know-but all that throwing up is a good sign-so hurray for puking LOL! I remember all the worry wih boy #2 afer a loss-and then there he was all perfect after all that worrying. He's 9 now-but I will never forget that pregnancy and all the worry.

  47. Congratulations and good luck! I read your blog only occasionally and I had missed your previous story. I'm so sorry for your previous loss. Hopefully your nausea will clear up soon and everything will go smoothly from here on out.
