Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Easter Themed Activities

I LOVE Easter, and I was very excited to incorporate a couple of Easter themed activities into our daily work.
For this activity, O picks up an egg with the tongs and transfers it to the egg carton. Sadly, she doesn't really enjoy this activity. I'm hoping she'll grow to like it :)

Since O has not been interested in the sound cylinders in months, I thought I'd spice things up a little by making sound eggs :) To do this activity, she picked up a blue egg, shook it, and then picked up a purple egg and shook it. She continued to pick up purple eggs until she found a match for the blue egg. She LOVED this activity, and she did a great job the 1st time she did it. She immediately wanted to do it again and proceeded to miss all but one. Lately, she thinks it's funny to get things wrong on purpose. She says she's "just teasing." I'm not sure what to do about this...


  1. Thanks, Melissa. Great ideas. I just tried this with my 19.5 month old. She was the reverse of O. Loved the tong activity (kept saying "again"), wasn't too keen on the sound discrimination. I used fewer eggs for each activity. Her attention span is still rather short. I haven't been able to get her interested in color sorting yet, but she can do it for the most part. She does it right and then starts doing it wrong. I think she's doing it on purpose to see how I react. I don't really know what to do about it either. And today she picked up every card but red when I asked for red; yet other days she knows red right off.

  2. Josh has been doing the "just teasing" thing for a long time now! I try to just ignore it but it is so annoying. The only thing I have done that seems to slow it down is to at a nonMontessori worktime say "Oh, is that too hard for you? Maybe we should put it away." It works like a charm but I hate to use it too often. I do not like to pressure him academically in that way but it also seems important to let help them understand why it is not an appropriate time or way to "tease".

  3. That's a good idea, Shannon. I think I'll try it. Anything is worth a try :)
    Adventures of Bear- I'm going to try different tongs this afternoon. I'm hoping that maybe she just doesn't like these tongs...
    Glad to know my little monkey isn't the only teaser!

  4. I had forgotten but Chloe went through the "Just Teasing" phase too. I agree that she's probably doing it just to get a reaction. I'd ask Chloe if that really was right and she'd laugh and say no. Glad to see you back to updating (mostly b/c I know that means you're feeling better).

  5. Thanks for the wonderful ideas! Great for my tot at home and my children at work!

  6. Thanks for the great Easter ideas. I will be using them this week. I also like the next post with the balloons filled with different textures. I can't wait to make these for my daughter.

  7. What are some of the things you put in each egg?

  8. The Braaten Family- I put rice, a marble, a bell, sugar, a small plastic bead, and something else that I can't remember in the eggs :)
