Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Squeeze & Match


This is one of O's all time favorite activities! Probably because she had to wait so long to do it...I started putting this activity together in early January before I started getting so sick. It then sat on my kitchen counter waiting for me to finish it for 2 months. O asked about it frequently during those two months :) To make this activity, I filled 4 pairs of balloons (one red and one blue for each pair) with the same substance (rice, lentils, popcorn kernals, corn starch). To do the activity, O squeezes a red balloon and then squeezes the blue balloons one at a time until she finds a match. She doesn't look at the balloons while she squeezes. After she makes her matches, she checks them by looking at the balloons (you can tell if they match by looking at the textures of the balloons).


  1. This is a fun idea! I am wondering if Josh would like this. It might be too easy for him but he may just like some to squeeze...are they sturdy enough for that???

  2. oh, i love this.

    i forgot about it!

  3. Oh this is super neat. I am going to have to try this. Thanks for the great idea.

  4. Shannon- They are pretty sturdy, but you may want to use 2 balloons.

  5. This looks like a lot of fun...I will have to try this with Emily.

  6. Ooh! I'll have to try this one.It sounds really fun. BTW - I love the little toes in the pic. How is it that little toes are so cute but grown up toes are absolutely not?

  7. Amy- You made me smile :) I'd forgotten about your toe/feet phobia. I'm glad you like little toes. They are so cute!

  8. We're going to have to do this one! :)

  9. great idea!!!!!! i am so excited to try it!
    i love montessori themed activites, we use many in our home, too.

  10. What a fun idea! You are very inspiring. :D

    One thing I've often wondered, reading your blog for almost two years now (sorry I never comment!), is where you get your inspiration!

    I know you sometimes link other blogs, but do you read Montessori books frequently? And mostly, how in the world do you find the time to do so many wonderful activities! And how do you see your schedule changing with the new one on the way?

    lol Sorry for so many questions; I've been saving up. ;)

  11. I LOVE this idea, I'm so ready to steal it!! Thanks for sharing. WE made the smelling game a few years ago, also fun but my girls would love this one. Your mini clothes line is adorable. We have the clothesline game, I just got it for my 6 year old's birthday this month and it's a big hit around here as well. Even the grown ups want to play : )

  12. A. Brown- Sorry it's taken me so long to answer your question :( Most of my ideas come from other blogs, and I also read lots of books...Montessori books, toddler activity books, arts and crafts books, etc., and occasionally I'll have an original idea :) Most of our activities are quick and most of the the things I make are pretty simple so they don't take too much time. Also, we live in an isolated area, so we don't have too many distractions, and we don't watch tv during the day at all.
    Our schedule will definitely change with the new little one. O will be starting dance classes, she may be starting school twice a week, and the baby is due all within about a week or 2. It going to be a shock to our systems!
