Sunday, March 15, 2009

More Felt Donuts

I finally finished the felt donuts for O and M (with Guh-guh's help!). I used the pattern and directions from Skip to My Lou. I would enjoy sewing so much more if every machine didn't give us so much trouble! It may be users' errors, but I'm not sure about that. O saw us making the donuts, and she immediately confiscated 2 of them. She said she "needed them for her kitchen." So much for my handmade Easter :)


  1. I've been inspired by your felt toys for O, so I made some for my 3 y/o for Vday. I really enjoy your blog and all the great ideas.
    Here's what I did:

  2. I've been buying felt food patterns for about 6 months, but I've yet to make anything. So last week I sat down and make some felt stuffed shamrocks to use at school for a St. Patty's Day story. The kids LOVED them. I only have 5 kiddos in my preschool class, so I am making them felt Peeps for Easter. I'm going to work on them next weekend. I can't wait! I just recently found your blog and I am really enjoying it!
