Thursday, April 30, 2009

Shaving Cream and Food Coloring Art

I've seen this art activity on several blogs and in several different art activity books, and I've wanted to try it with O for a while. We finally had a chance to give it a try on Wednesday, and we had so much fun!

First I sprayed shaving cream on a cookie sheet, and O spread it around with her fingers. Then she chose several different food coloring colors and squeezed the food coloring onto the shaving cream. She swirled it around with her fingers.

She placed a piece of cardstock on the shaving cream and food coloring mixture and pressed down gently.

We then scraped the shaving cream off of the paper using her scraper from her window washing kit.

Here are our masterpieces!


  1. Next time, try adding some glue to the mixture. It will make 3D art. It ends up sort of foaming - very cool!!

  2. We've done this but as a a sensory project in the tub (no water). Let them draw shapes, letters etc. on the walls. I put a towel down on the floor of the tub b/c it can get slippery.

  3. all these ideas are great. I really want to try a lot of them with my son, but what do you do when they don't like getting their hands dirty?

  4. Amie- O doesn't really like to get her hands muddy, so when she was "cooking" petal and mud soup and cake, my mom had a container of clean water right beside her that she could frequently dip her hands in to clean them.
    Also, for this project, we were right by the kitchen sink, and O kept asking to rinse her hands. I wiped them off with a damp towel or if they were totally covered, we rinsed them in the sink. That seemed to work well for her :)

  5. I was really wanting to do this, thanks for the reminder! Looks like clean, squishy fun. :-)

  6. What a fun project! Now you have the base for some Mother's Day cards :)

  7. very pretty we might have to add that to our mothers day homemade gifts!

    we made cute flowers if your interested:

  8. Maddy in Vermont!May 3, 2009 at 2:24 PM

    I LOVE this activity. You have the very best ideas. How are you feeling these days? I think of you all the time. O is really growing up---what a great time for her to become a big sister!

    I am posting a question for all of your Mommy readers if that is okay with you.

    Please, help me remember the name of the game that is fairly new to the market that deals with children's feelings/emotions. I believe that it is played as a matching game for younger ones and then can be played a different way as the child grows. I remember it being on heavy cards and an award winner. I have spent countless hours looking around the internet for it. I just know that one of you Mamas will help me!
    Thank you all for all of your help and time with this. If, Melissa isn't aware of it, I just know that she will be!

  9. Wow, those are very cool! We have done different types of shaving cream art, but we have never tried it that way... I'll have to add it to my list!

  10. Cool! Stuff like this, goodness, I would have never come up with it on my own!

  11. Question for you: Does the food coloring stain hands? clothes? I have done this project long ago with paints, but not food coloring and just wondering about it staining. Thanks! :)

  12. Maddy- Is this it?

  13. Just wanted to let you know I linked to this on Sunday - thanks for all your great ideas!

  14. These are soo cool. We are doing a color unit, and I am going to try this with my toddlers. If children do not like getting their hands dirty, try using rubber gloves or let them stir/mix it with a tongue depressor.
