Thursday, April 30, 2009

Spring Matching Cards

I downloaded and printed these Spring matching cards from Montessori for Everyone last Spring when O was obsessed with matching. She's not as interested in matching lately, but we enjoyed discussing the different objects in the pictures. The cards are beautiful and definitely worth printing. I really love all of the free printables at Montessori for Everyone!


  1. instead of just matching at the mat have you tried to get her 'hunting' for the 2nd card or laying the second cards out in another room. She picks a card up from pile one, puts it on the mat and has to find the 2nd one from memory. Ebi-kun really likes doing this with the cards that are too easy to just match.

  2. Jojoebi, that's a great idea. :)
    I like the Montessori website also. :)

  3. I'm wanting to make my own matching game from pictures of people he knows. I can print off two copies of every picture, but am trying to figure what to attach them to to make it consistent (adn the right "feel")

  4. When I made family matching cards, I attached them (using mod podge) to pieces of balsa wood that I cut to the size of wallet sized pictures.

    Good idea, Jo! We'll try that!

  5. I'm having trouble finding the matching cards on the Montessori for Everyone website...can someone point in the right direction please?


  6. Here's the link

  7. Thanks for the link. Love the cards.
