Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Growing a Sunflower House

O's sunflowers are growing fast, too! We planted them in a square to make a sunflower house. We hope that we'll have flowers soon. O was excited that the sunflowers are already taller than she is! The Sweet Pea teepee and Sunflower House are right next to each other, and we decided to do both so O and her cousin, M, will each have a house and be neighbors :) Now we just have to get M to come visit!


  1. How neat! I tried to grow a sunflower house last summer. It never worked out. :-( The soil in our garden simply is not good enough for sunflowers to grow. But yours look really nice!

  2. Such a cool idea! I love how you put the tee pee and the house next to each other so they could be neighbors. So sweet! :)
