Monday, June 22, 2009

O's Sweet Pea TeePee

O's sweet pea tee pee is growing and growing! She was thrilled to find tiny flowers inside her tee pee. To make the tee pee we bought bamboo poles (5) from Lowe's, stuck them in the dirt in a tee pee shape, and tied them at the top with a rope. We then planted several sweet pea plants around each bamboo pole. I am amazed by how quickly the sweet peas have grown!


  1. Oh my! Just too darn cute! I wish we had the space for this!

  2. That has got to be the most original idea ever! Way to go! :)

  3. I have wanted to do this for the last couple of years but have yet to make it happen. Yours looks great.

  4. This is SO very awesome. I totally want to do this!!

  5. Super cute idea!!! I am definitely going to have to plant ours like that next year!

  6. We do this with green beans and it is so much fun! We do the same bamboo poles but also string jute or fishing line around the poles, but not the opening. I've never grown sweet peas before - we'll have to try this!

  7. This is AMAZING! I've been wanting to add some natural play elements to my yard and this is perfect - thank you for sharing it! I also love the willow house, but that one will need to wait until I find a good source of willow branches :)

  8. I love that idea very original.

  9. Will you pretty please post some pictures when the sweet peas start blooming? What a magical little place it will be for O!

  10. Love this idea! I linked to this on my weekly roundup (post can be found here). (And also the toddler activity bags and the phonics bags.) Thanks!!

  11. I love this idea, though I've thought of trying it with scarlet runner beans. They have red flowers that look a lot like sweet peas, but they are totally edible. (I've read that sweet pea seeds are mildly toxic and I've stopped planting them in my landscape just in case- even though all my kiddos are well past the age where I need to worry.)

  12. I love this! Sweet pea is one of my absolute favorite flowers . . . I've seen bamboo teepees used in gardens for tomatoes, beans, pepper, etc. but also love the sweetpea landscape!

    Thanks for the inspiration!

