Monday, June 29, 2009

O's Library Bag

I've wanted to make a library bag for O for a while, and I finally decided what to put on it. The bag came from Hobby Lobby (it was 50% off and only cost 2 dollars!). I printed the word "read" in my chosen font and size, cut out the letters to use as patterns, cut the letters from fabric, and appliqued them to the bag. The bag has 3 pockets on the other side which will be perfect for booksmarks, a book light, and O's library card (when she's old enough to get one!). I'm very happy with the result, and I'm looking forward to more applique projects!


  1. I LOVE it Melissa!
    I think it may just be another one of your wonderful ideas I will have to borrow.
    Glad to see that you are still blogging!

  2. This is a great looking bag! Nice work. There is something really nice about having a designated "library bag" and I'm not just saying that as a children's librarian! :)

  3. cute - I love the fabrics you used to decorate it!

  4. It's really nice Melissa :)
    May I ask something I had been wondering about after seeing your applique tutorial - do you ever stitch around the edges of the shape &, if not, does it fray when you put it in the wash (like O's Tshirts for example). I just always seem to have to stich or I end up losing parts of my design & I'm not the best stitcher!

  5. Amber- I used to have my mom stitch around the design, but after reading the directions in a book saying you didn't have to do it, I stopped :) I'm not sure how long the designs will hold up. We'll see...

  6. My 6 month old already has her own library card.. she's had since she was a couple of weeks old :D

  7. i love the simplicity of your design! it's straight to the point, and so nice that she'll be able to understand the importance of visiting the library, and of course, reading!

  8. Love this idea too! You are on a roll! I'm going to have to try this.

  9. this is soooo cute! I love it! thanks so much for the idea :)

  10. this is soooo cute! I love it! thanks so much for the idea :)

  11. I love this idea, I may have to make one for my little girl. I'd love to see a picture of the other side.

  12. I LOVE this bag! Simple and adorable!
