Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Big Sister/Baby Sister Shirts

My applique obsession continues! I told O that I was going to make a "big sister" shirt for her, and she said "and you need to make a baby sister shirt for my sister." I thought that was a SUPER idea, and it was so sweet of her to think of her sister :) It was a bit tedious to cut out the letters, but I like how they turned out. There are so many edges that I think it is likely that they will fray. However, I plan to wash them (inside out) on delicate and hang them to dry. Also, I may iron over the letters again after each wash in the hopes that they will last longer.


  1. You can do a quick zig-zag stitch around the letters to prevent fraying. Love them!

  2. LOL! I just copied this idea from Lu Bird Baby's blog. She did the same thing so I immediately went out to make some for my kiddos. I'm due in a couple of weeks with our third. I too was worried about the fraying and went around the edges with fray check, oh well, it's a long story and you can check out my blog on how I suffered. LOL! It almost ended my crafting obsession. Your's turned out great! I wish I had not gone back with the fray check. Oh well. Congrats again on your newest soon to be addition!

  3. I was literally just thinking about doing this for my third baby (making big sister, big brother, and baby sister tee's and oneies)and wondering how it would look and now you gave me pictures... thanks i am very excited... also i would not have thought of using different colors/patterns per letter.... This is awesome.

  4. i have a blanket stich on my sewing machine that i use for all my applique. It works great and i've had no problems fraying. I did a onesie for my son's 1st bday that he's wearing on my blog that shows you. thanks for this great idea...i'll have to hang on to it!! I LOVE your blog and am so glad you are still doing it! thanks!!-sonja

  5. my blog is narvesens.blogspot.com

  6. I'm much to scared of my sewing machine to try to sew around the edges of the letters :) I'm addicted to no-sew applique. So far I've had good luck with the lack of fraying, but with so many edges I'm afraid the letters won't last. That's okay though. I'd rather make new ones than try to sew all around the letters :)

  7. GORGEOUS!! Great job mom!

    ~ Jennifer

  8. These are precious! I also saw some that say, "Big Sister's Rock" and for the baby it said, "I'm gonna rock their world!"

  9. I want to thank you SOO much for giving me the idea of applique. I never knew it was something that I could actually do....and enjoy at the same! I am also obsessed with it too! Thanks so much!

  10. What about using the fabric paint around the edges? That would add a nice edge, is fast, and would keep it from fraying. Just a thought!


  11. Emilia- That's a great idea! I think I'll try that next time...I'm too lazy and tired to go back and add it to these shirts :) I forgot to tell you to wash E's shirt inside out and on delicate, and it would probably be good to not dry it in the dryer. Hers should last fine though since she'll probably grow out of it in the next week or 2 :)

  12. could you tell me what font you used and in what size? Do you even remember? :) I want to make this for our little girl to let our families know we are expecting again...

    cborsgard at gmail dot com

    thanks so much!
