Saturday, July 11, 2009

O's 3rd Birthday Party

O's 3rd birthday party was on Saturday, and we had a GREAT time!

We had a bubble table that was quite a hit!

On Friday night, O told me to make sure to write "Happy Birthday" on her giant chalkboard.

The kids each filled a bag with treats of their choice. O asked if she could fill a treat bag, too, because she really wanted glitter glue and a fruit strip.

I don't normally buy individually wrapped snacks, but I made an exception for O's party :)

My sister put a towel under the sweet pea teepee for the kiddos. O sat under the teepee with her friends to open her gifts.

The highlight of the party was this incredible inflatable water slide that O's Grandaddy Harry bought for her! She's still a little intimidated by the large slides, but she likes the smaller, tunnel slide, and the bigger kids had a blast! (Elliott was deflating the slide when I took the picture).

It was a wonderful party, and we are so thankful for everyone for helping us prepare and for attending :) After the party, we rested and cooled off before taking the boat out in the lake for a while. Then we packed up and left for vacation. I don't recommend leaving for vacation on the same day as a's quite stressful, and I forgot to pack SO many things! Blog posts may be scarce this week since we are busy relaxing, and the internet connection is spotty.


  1. Sounds like a really fun bday! We had my big girl's 3rd party in June...3 is such a fun age! :)

  2. O must have LOVED her party!
    Our little Belle will be celebrating a birthday in about a week. We leave the morning after the party for a little vacation. I sure hope to have everything packed before hand.
    Have a great holiday!

  3. What a fabulous day! What a fabulous slide.

    And, of course, have an ultra fab holiday an relax.


  4. Sounds super and extra fun birthday!!! with the slides and the tunel!!! We had our 3 birthday party too on june 21st...., (but it was her first party) and she had soo much fun!!! Enjoy your vacations and relax!!!!!

  5. What great pictures! Your idea of stuff your own party bag is a great idea! I may have to "borrow" that idea for Nani's 5th birthday!

    Enjoy vacation!

    ~ Jennifer

  6. Happy birthday to O! It looks like you had a blast. I am envious of summer kids - my daughter's birthday is in October, and the weather can be iffy for an outside party.

  7. Looks like an awesome party! I really like the idea of kids filling their own treat bags, what a great idea.

  8. Now that is a stupendous slide! Wow. Happy Holidaying!

  9. I love the teepee! I wonder if ivy would work to cover a teepee as well, or if it would grow too slowly..
