Wednesday, July 1, 2009

An Old Suitcase Made New!

I decoupaged this old thrift store suitcase for O months ago using an old, torn up children's book (our favorite book from when we were children). My mom was glad to see the very used and torn book being put to good use :) This was a fun project that is one of O's handmade birthday gifts.

I decoupaged the inside of the suitcase using scrapbook paper. Check back to see how the suitcase will be used :)


  1. That is adorable...can't wait to see how it will be used!!!

  2. turned out great! when is her bday so we can see what she does with it?

  3. This is adorable - I look forward to seeing how you use it!

  4. LOVE it! I don't know if I've ever commented before, but I have been reading for several months now. That was MY favorite childhood book too and my sister found it new for my daughter for Christmas!!

  5. soo cool!!!
    what a great way to use an old book and suitcase!
    can't wait to see what you use it for, i'm already thinking of possibilities.

  6. Love, Love, Love this ! I have this book! You are too cool lady.
    PEACE and Love to you and yours,

  7. So cute! I have an award for your blog -

  8. How do you have time to do all of these things...the crafts and the projects with O? I can never seem to fit it all in. I would love to do more crafts but I never can find time to do them while my girls are awake, and with keeping up with the house and errands I don't feel like I do enough with the girls Montessori time either. You seem to be a real "Super Woman!" What's the secret?

  9. I bought a cute little red suitcase to redo a year ago. It’s still in the basement. Thanks for the inspiration!

  10. I love it -- so adorable makes me want to go out and buy an old suitcase to duplicate!

  11. This is really beautiful. I'm a huge fan of using old, torn or worn children's books in projects, and this is the first time I've seen them used this way.

  12. What a fabulous idea!!
    I have a couple of old books put aside to use as artwork for the wall whenever we have another baby.
