Saturday, July 18, 2009

A Taggie Giraffe Softie Tutorial

My mom and I made taggie giraffe softies for Little Kicker and a couple of our friends' babies about a month ago, and I'm finally blogging about it :) They were so easy to make that I decided to do a tutorial.

1) I drew a pattern on newspaper and cut it out. I then pinned the pattern to the wrong side of a piece of fabric and traced around it with disappearing ink. Then I cut the giraffe pattern out of the fabric.

2) I pinned the fabric giraffe to the wrong side of a coordinating piece of fabric, traced around it, and cut the giraffe from the other fabric.

3) I pinned the 2 fabric giraffes to each other- right side to right side with the ribbons pinned in between them.

4) Here's a better picture to show the ribbons pinned between the 2 pieces of fabric.

5) I handed the giraffe over to my mom, and she sewed all around it leaving a small hole for turning. She sewed over the ribbons 3 or 4 times to make sure they were securely sewn.

6) We turned and stuffed the giraffes, and my mom sewed the small hole closed.

7) Ta-da!

O was a little disturbed that the giraffes have only 2 legs :)


  1. So cute! Thanks for sharing the tutorial... these would make super baby presents.

  2. So incredibly cute! And easy-looking!

  3. These are adorable and would make wonderful and inexpensive gifts.

  4. Those came out really adorable!:)

  5. Those are adorable and are probably much cheaper than buying something similar. Great idea!

  6. Wow! I'll have to give it a try. Thanks for the directions!

  7. Beautiful! Yet another thing to add to list....I def add more than I do on that list!

  8. adorable! i have 18 pregnant friends at the moment... this would make a great baby gift! thank you!

  9. I am bookmarking this one for sure! So adorable! I will make one for the next pregnant person I see!

  10. they are adorable!! I did a taggie blanket tutorial on my blog ages ago.. but these are just too cute :)

  11. Very cute! I am wondering if you put fray-check on the ribbons. But then if the baby eats knaws on the ribbon-I guess you would not want any chemicals on it. Can you say what you did? Thanks!
