Sunday, August 23, 2009

One Year Ago Today...

we found out we were expecting our 2nd child. We were excited, but also feeling a little disbelief. Everything was going according to our plan, and we were so happy. Elliott even said that things were working out so perfectly that it scared him. He was afraid something bad would happen. Sadly, he was right. We will forever miss our lost baby. Even as we excitedly prepare for Little Kicker's arrival, the baby we lost will always be in our hearts and minds.


  1. I'm sorry for your loss. I can relate. Before my son was born I had a miscarriage at 9 weeks. It'll be two years next month.

    It's amazing how attached you can become to someone so little...

  2. I am sorry for your loss, but am rejoicing with you that you will soon give birth to a new life.

    While I have 4 beautiful children, I have also been through 4 miscarriages. All but one were late first trimester losses, and one sent me to the ER. While I have forever been changed by my losses, I have been able to use my experiences to help a few friends deal with their losses.

    Again, I am happy that a year later you are expecting another little one. Take care.

  3. I understand what you mean. I'm now expecting our 4th baby in 6 weeks. I've had 5 miscarriages and still wonder what each would look like and feel sad at each missed birthday. This baby is doubly precious to my family, because we have named every child after a grandparent, and this baby is to be named after my mother who suddenly passed away Mother's Day - I was 18 weeks pregnant. She was so excited about helping to deliver the baby to be named for her - even helped to pick out the name. Those little ones always stay in your heart.

  4. I know how you feel. I have one daughter turning 2 tomorrow. My second baby was to be born this Christmas. I just lost the pregnancy 3 weeks ago at 18 weeks. My heart is filled with sadness. But your blog has inspired me that I will too (hopefully soon) birth another healthy baby again.

  5. I just read your story, thank you for sharing! It's a very similar story to mine. I found out my baby didn't have a heartbeat at 11 weeks, and it was the day before my 30th birthday. I felt so old and broken. That was about a year and a half ago. Now I'm listening to my newborn's sweet sleepy sighs.

  6. Thank you for sharing your story. I'm a lurker on your blog- not sure if I've ever commented or not- but I love using some of your ideas with my almost 2 year-old son. Your story reminds me of ours. We too were expecting a second baby in early summer, lost to miscarriage, and are now expecting one in just a few weeks. While I am so excited about our new addition, he will never replace our second baby, and I'm not sure we'll ever completely stop grieving that loss. Here is the link to a post I wrote shortly after my miscarriage if you'd like to read it:

    Congrats on Little Kicker, and I know both of your girls bring such joy to your life!

  7. You will be in my thoughts and prayers. Even though I cannot imagine my life without Seth, I still wonder "what if" about our two babies we lost sometimes. You never realize how many families go through this until you tell your story. How beautiful that we can all share our stories and heal together.

    We cannot wait to meet LK!

  8. I'm so sorry for your loss. We've also had a miscarriage...just a few years ago. Being only 6 weeks pregnant myself right now, I'm doing my best to keep myself healthy, stress free and relaxed and do all I can to keep this little angel on the way healthy and happy.
