Thursday, August 13, 2009

O's Dance Bag

When we signed O up for tap/ballet classes last week her teacher told us she would need a dance bag. My first inclination was to make a drawstring bookbag with an embroidered ballerina or fairy on it. Then I remembered that I'm almost 38 weeks pregnant and feeling exhausted, overwhelmed, and a little irritable. I decided to take the easy way out and applique DANCE onto a canvas bag from Hobby Lobby. This bag was quick and easy to make, and O was thrilled.

O now thinks that all bags should have words on them...she took her bag with a stethoscope and "shotmaker" (syringe) with us to my midwife appointment yesterday (for her baby dolls), and she said it should say "nurse" on it :)

See more on my applique obsession here, here, here, here, and here.


  1. perfect! We are actually signing Maddie up tomorrow for tap/ballet class! I just might have to borrow your bag idea!

  2. Great minds think alike!

    I just signed Nani up for ballet too. I was going to decorate her bag with fabric paint, but I like your idea much better! It turned out so adorable!! Great job!


  3. during our travels yesterday I picked up all the materials to make Mad her own dance bag! Thank you so much for the idea!

  4. Thanks for explaining how to do with your tutorial. I am definitely going to give it a try.

  5. This bag came out great! I actually bought applique paper because I love the things you do with it. I have yet to use it I'm still trying to think of something to make for myself or classroom with it.

  6. that is so cute.... I just made a butterfly shirt for my daughter..her next demand is for a cow shirt... The bags are next on my list .. thanks for the greeaaat ideas
