Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Halloween Greeting Card Puzzles

I presented O with this tray of 4 greeting card puzzles, and she really enjoyed putting them together this morning. Elliott bought the cards from Dollar General (2 for a dollar), and I cut the front off of the cards and used my scrapbook paper cutter to cut them into puzzle pieces. This was a quick, inexpensive way to make holiday puzzles, and I'm planning to make a few for each holiday!


  1. Great idea! Love how simple and easy this is to prepare!

  2. Great idea. My son loves puzzles right now.

  3. Love it! Cheap and Easy! You may be seeing this on my blog in the near future! :)

  4. Simple+cheap+educational+fun=perfect activity

  5. WHat a fun way to make more use of all the cards you receive throughout the year!

  6. Fun idea! I bought the same 4 section tray on clearance at Dollar General and I love how you used it :o)
