Saturday, October 24, 2009

Playdough Storage Update

We've recently discovered that storing playdough in the metal IKEA containers is NOT a good idea, and I thought I should let everyone know... The playdough dried out on the edges, and the homemade chocolate playdough had some kind of strange chemical reaction with the container. It turned black in a couple of spots and seemed to burn a hole in the bottom of the container somehow. Very strange. I guess it's better to store playdough in plastic containers after all :(


  1. thank you for the update, I was totally going to steal this idea!

  2. Yeah, my kids left something metal in our homemade playdoh once and there was also a weird chemical reaction that took place. We just use ziploc baggies instead.

  3. I try to avoid plastic like the devil but sometimes you just can't beat it!

  4. I just saw your salad spinner clip on Rachel Ray! =) That was so cool! =)

  5. This is really good to know! We might try making some today.

    And I wanted to share that I am having a giveaway!
