Wednesday, December 2, 2009

"A Disaster of Beads"

For our 1st advent activity O and I made a winter beaded bracelet (using snowman beads and silver Christmas trees) and beaded necklaces (more on that later). We poured all of the beads onto the floor, and O said "we have a DISASTER of beads!" She had a great time making her bracelet and sorting the beads by color. I'm excited that she is enjoying beading so much, and I know it's something that we'll do more often now that she is older


  1. Love this post!! Beads are a huge hit here as well!! Although, when I sweep the floor I find them every time!! LOL
    We have used it them to 'measure' and pipe cleaners are the BEST for fun.
    So enjoy watching O and her Advent activities.

    Thanks for sharing.

  2. We've had some distasters of beads here at our house too. ;)

    Thanks for the great ideas and inspiration.

  3. great idea. I'm now adding beads to the list of things to get on my next trip to the craft store :o)
