Tuesday, December 1, 2009

On Vacation

We've been on vacation since the day after Thanksgiving, and we're having a wonderful time. O has enjoyed flying her kite on the beach, digging in the sand, writing her name in the sand, playing on the treehouse playground, swimming in the heated pools, and hanging out in the apartment.

We've taken her on 2 Mama, Daddy, & O dates, and she's thoroughly enjoyed herself. She tried lots of new foods at the Japanese Buffet (sushi rolls, crawfish, blue crab, seaweed, etc.). She said she didn't like the texture of the seaweed :) She enjoyed the Christmas Show and didn't hesitate to go on stage when they called for the children to join them for a song.
Tonight we took her to see The Polar Express at the IMAX3d...bad idea! It was extremely loud, intense, and scary. She hid her head and even cried a little. Luckily, we were on either side of her, and she took turns cuddling in our arms during the scary parts. After it was over she said it was "great," but then she said she didn't have a favorite part because it was too scary :(
We started our advent activities today, and I'll be posting about our daily advent activities as well as our daily work on handmade gifts soon.


  1. sounds like a great time! both my girls don't like the book or movie the polar express!

  2. Sounds like fun! I am not surprised about the Polar Express, I thought it was a bit overstimulating as a movie even on a small screen, 3D would be a bit much! Though we really like the book and our little boy LOVES to listen to the book on tape (recorded by Liam Neeson).

  3. We're going to be riding in a Polar Express float in a parade on Saturday, so I thought it would be perfect to see the movie first. Now, I'm afraid she might be scared to ride the float :(

  4. we love the book, but I wasnt too fussed on the movie.. it could have been made much sweeter and nice.. instead they have some homeless ghost and the conductor is mean.. and the engine drivers are just weird....
