Monday, January 18, 2010

Last Week in "School"

Here are couple of pics from "school" on Tuesday. O was excited to play this "What Goes Together?" game. It's a Winnie-the-Pooh game in which you match cards of things that go together (hat and coat, broom and dustpan, etc.). After you make your match, you turn the cards over to see if they go together to complete a picture. If they do then your match is correct. I found this fun game at the Dollar Tree.

O was also really excited about this cutting activity. I have a Kumon cutting book that I pull pages from periodically for her to cut. Last time I had a page for her to cut, she was not very enthusiastic (this was surprising since she loves to cut), but this time she was thrilled. I chose a page with a winter theme since we are doing lots of winter activities this month. She cut very slowly and carefully and with excellent concentration. After she finished cutting on the line, she asked if she could cut the page up. Of course, I let her and she had fun cutting out the animals and trees.


  1. My son loves those Kumon cutting pages too. I've been printing out pages from this site too. She's got way more stuff, but I mostly just print the cutting ones. I need to go to Dollar Tree more often!

  2. Hi, I'm supposed to let you know that I have an award for you on my blog. :)

  3. My daughter loves the Go-Together game!
