Monday, February 22, 2010

E's Treasure Basket

I'm SO excited that E is big enough for a treasure basket of household items to explore. The idea for a treasure basket full of different textured items came from How To Raise an Amazing Child the Montessori Way by Tim Seldin. This was one of the 1st Montessori books I read and one of my favorite.

I had a lot of fun gathering objects for E's first treasure basket. The items include a small, velvet pillow, a toilet paper tube (I let her mouth this for a few minutes before removing it...I didn't want it to come apart and get in her mouth), a silver rattle (that belonged to Elliott when he was a baby), one of O's unit blocks, a baby food jar filled with mulitcolored pony beads, a sea sponge, a small metal whisk from O's play kitchen, and a plastic bottle with a marble inside. E LOVED exploring (tasting!) all of the objects in her basket. She even threw the velvet pillow about 3 feet. O and I were amazed, and I think E was surprised, too :) E was happily engaged in her play for about 15 minutes or more which is A LOT for her 5 month old self! I'm looking forward to putting new objects in E's special basket each week!


  1. Wow, she's five months already??!! Where does the time go?

  2. I keep asking myself that same question...especially since she'll be 6 months old next week! It's crazy. She already has 2 teeth and is sitting up all the time. She wants to be so big :)

  3. That's so fun! I loved the treasure basket stage. And thanks for reminding me about How To Raise an Amazing Child. It's about time for me to take another look at it and see what ideas they have for 18-month-olds.

  4. i love the montessori method. it uses their
    God given creative minds.

  5. Wow she is getting so big, Juliette is 7 months old and would LOVE something like this. I will have to put one together now while she is napping :0)

    I can't wait to check out that book too!!

  6. What a great idea! I need to start this with JDaniel.

  7. Thanks for pointing me to this post. I actually do a similar thing - giving my little one (5 months) household items. I did not put them in a basket though. Also I did exactly the same thing with a toiletpaper tube - gave it to him just to take it away after a bit cause he was chewing on it. ;-) You could try giving her measuring cups. I gave my boy a couple out of plastic and they were a huge hit for a couple days!

  8. What sweet photos of your treasure basket in action! I featured your treasure basket posts at

  9. What fun to revisit this! I just added a photo of your treasure basket to my post at
