Saturday, February 20, 2010

Learning to Sew

Guh-guh has been teaching O to sew on the sewing machine. They made an Angelina Ballerina pillowcase for O, and O was so excited that she insisted that they make one for Baby Sister, too. She's such a sweet big sister!

Lately, O has REALLY enjoyed watching the dvd that came with my sewing machine. When I was sewing a few days ago, she came and sat on my lap so she could show me what to do. She already knows more about my sewing machine than I do!


  1. can i ask what type of sewing machine you have? i'm in the process of shopping for a basic one - i'm a total novice. thanks in advance!

  2. That is one skill that I never learned. My mom says sewing is becoming a lost art - she would be glad to see that your child is learning how to sew:)

  3. What a fantastic skill for O to be exposed to. I think it is wonderful for O to have taken such an interest in sewing.

    Recently, I also made a set of texture cards for a game about Australian animals. The link is below (the cards are about half way down this post):

    I really like your idea of using texture cards to play memory.

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  5. Looks like you have a budding seamstress in the house! So precious to see grandmother and granddaughter working together.
