Saturday, February 13, 2010

Marshmallow Heart Art

O made marshmallow heart art this afternoon while warming up after playing in the snow all morning. She had a great time and said she wants to do this every Valentine's Day.

To prepare this activity, I drew a heart on a piece of cardstock. I gave O a muffin cup full of mini marshmallows. We bit the marshmallows in half, ate one half, and placed the other half on the line to make the heart. O loves marshmallows, but doesn't get the opportunity to eat them often, so this was very exciting for her :) This art didn't last long...within a few hours she'd eaten all of the marshmallows off of her paper! I guess that's a good I don't have to figure out how to preserve and save this piece of artwork :)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Did this with my preschool kids today. We used multi-colored marshmallows since I had some in my freezer. They all absolutely loved it. Thanks for the idea!
